The mission of the Texas Girls Coaches Association shall be:


            Help maintain the highest possible standards in athletics and


the coaching profession, and to work together for the improvement of


the conditions for girls athletics in the schools of Texas.


            Secure a better understanding of the problems of coaching and to


provide sources of information pertaining to girls athletics at the disposal


of coaches.


            Endeavor to improve all phases of interscholastic sports by providing


coaches with a more thorough understanding of the various interscholastic


competitive activities.


            Provide a representative group of coaches to which athletic problems of


general concern may be referred in the hope of improving relationships among


schools, athletes, fans and officials.


            Promote good fellowship and social contacts among coaches.


            Represent the viewpoint of girls coaches in Texas to the Legislative


Council and Athletic Committee of the University Interscholastic League and the


State Board of Education.